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Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Giorgio Mion & Cristian R. Loza Adaui (2019) Mandatory nonfinancial disclosure and its consequences on the sustainability reporting quality of Italian and German companies, Sustainability, 11 (17), 4612. DOI 10.3390/su11174612
- Cristian R. Loza Adaui (2020)
- Giorgio Mion & Cristian R. Loza Adaui (2019) Mandatory nonfinancial disclosure and its consequences on the sustainability reporting quality of Italian and German companies, Sustainability, 11 (17), 4612. DOI 10.3390/su11174612
- Cristian R. Loza Adaui & Giorgio Mion (2016) Catholic Social Teaching, Organizational Purpose, and the For-profit / Nonprofit Dichotomy: Exploring the Metaprofit Proposition, Journal of Markets and Morality, 9(2), pp. 275-295. URL: http://www.marketsandmorality.com/index.php/mandm/article/view/1190
- Matthias S. Fifka, Anna-Lena Kühn, Cristian R. Loza Adaui & Markus Stiglbauer (2016) Promoting Development in Weak Institutional Environments: The Understanding and Transmission of Sustainability by NGOs in Latin America , VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 27(3), pp. 1091–1122. DOI 10.1007/s11266-016-9713-4
- Giorgio Mion & Cristian R. Loza Adaui (2016) Non (solo) per profitto: ripensare la business ethics alla luce della DSC, Rivista Italiana di Ragioneria e di Economia Aziendale/Italian Journal of Accounting and Economia Aziendale, 116 (1), pp. 72-88.
- Kulpatra Sirodom, Cristian R. Loza Adaui, André Habisch, Theodore Roosevelt Malloch & Gilbert Lenssen (2014) Practical Wisdom from the Buddhist and Indian traditions, Journal of Management Development, 33(8/9), pp. 729-737. DOI 10.1108/JMD-09-2014-0104
- Wafa El Garah, Rafik I. Beekun, André Habisch, Gilbert Lenssen & Cristian R. Loza Adaui (2012) Practical wisdom for management from the Islamic traditions, Journal of Management Development, 31(10), pp. 991-1000. DOI 10.1108/02621711211281906
- Pierre Kletz, Granit Almog-Bareket, André Habisch, Gilbert Lenssen, Cristian R. Loza Adaui (2012) Practical wisdom for management from the Jewish tradition, Journal of Management Development, 31(9), pp. 879-885. DOI 10.1108/02621711211259929
- André Habisch & Cristian R. Loza Adaui (2010) Seasoning business knowledge: challenging recent Catholic social thought, Journal of Management Development, 29 (7/8), pp. 660-668. DOI 10.1108/02621711011059095
(Cited and commented: The Economist)
- Giorgio Mion & Cristian Loza Adaui (2011) Verso il Metaprofit: Gratuità e profitto nella gestione d‘impresa, Cantagalli, Siena, ISBN 978-88-8272-737-6
. Recension by S.E.R. Giampaolo Crepaldi.
Book chapters, handbooks and dictionary entries
- Cristian R. Loza Adaui & Giorgio Mion (forthcoming) Managing for Corporate Citizenship, in Rhada R. Sharma, Merrill Csuri & Kemy Ogunyemi (Eds.) Managing for Responsibility: A Textbook for an Alternative Paradigm, Business Expert Press, ISBN 978-1-631-57288-3
- Anna Vallusova & Cristian R. Loza Adaui (2016) Sustainable Enterprise in Slovakia, in Wayne Visser (Eds.) The World Guide to Sustainable Enterprise: Volume 3 – Europe, Greenleaf, pp. 216-222, Sheffield, ISBN 978-1-78353-514-9
- Matthias S. Fifka & Cristian R. Loza Adaui (2015) Managing Stakeholders for the Sake of Business and Society, in Linda O’Riordan, Stefan Heinemann & Piotr Zmuda (Eds.) New Perspectives on Corporate Social Responsibility: Locating the Missing Link, Springer, pp. 71-87, ISBN 978-3-658-06793-9
, DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-06794-6_4
- Matthias S. Fifka & Cristian R. Loza Adaui (2015) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Reporting: Administrative Burden or Competitive Advantage?, in Linda O’Riordan, Stefan Heinemann & Piotr Zmuda (Eds.) New Perspectives on Corporate Social Responsibility: Locating the Missing Link, Springer, pp. 285-300, ISBN 978-3-658-06793-9
, DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-06794-6_15
- Cristian R. Loza Adaui (2015) Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Latin America and the Caribbean, in Samuel O. Idowu, Nicholas Capaldi, Matthias S. Fifka. Liangron Zu and René Schmidpeter (Eds.) Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility: CSR, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 135-136, ISBN978-3-319-10535-2, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-10536-9
- Cristian R. Loza Adaui (2015) Creative destruction, in Samuel O. Idowu, Nicholas Capaldi, Matthias S. Fifka. Liangron Zu and René Schmidpeter (Eds.) Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility: CSR, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance, Springer, Heidelberg, p. 165, ISBN978-3-319-10535-2, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-10536-9
- Cristian R. Loza Adaui (2015) Christian ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR), in Samuel O. Idowu, Nicholas Capaldi, Matthias S. Fifka. Liangron Zu and René Schmidpeter (Eds.) Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility: CSR, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 77-78, ISBN978-3-319-10535-2, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-10536-9
- Cristian R. Loza Adaui (2015) Win-win situation, in Samuel O. Idowu, Nicholas Capaldi, Matthias S. Fifka. Liangron Zu and René Schmidpeter (Eds.) Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility: CSR, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 580-581, ISBN978-3-319-10535-2, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-10536-9
- André Habisch & Cristian Loza Adaui (2013) Konservative Innovation. Die Bedeutung christlichen Unternehmertums für die christliche-soziale Bewegung in Deutschland, in Peter Schallenberg & Arnd Küppers (Eds.) Interdiziplinarität der Christlichen Sozialethik, Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn, pp.107-126, ISBN 978-3-506-77782-9
- André Habisch & Cristian Loza Adaui (2013) A social capital approach towards social innovation, in Thomas Osburg & Rene Schmidpeter (Eds.) Social innovation: Solutions for a sustainable future, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 65-74, DOI 10/1007/978-3-642-36540-9_6.
- Cristian Loza Adaui & André Habisch (2013) Humanistic Management, in Luigino Bruni & Stefano Zamagni (Eds.) Handbook on the Economics of Reciprocity and Social Enterprise, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 191-200, DOI 10.4337/9781849804745
- André Habisch & Cristian Loza Adaui (2013) Unentgeltlichkeit als Kategorie Sozialen Handelns: Gesellschaftlichen Engagement nach “Caritas in Veritate“, in Jörg Althammer (Ed.) Caritas in Veritate: Katholische Soziallehre im Zeitalter der Globalisierung, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, pp. 173-188.
- André Habisch & Cristian Loza Adaui (2012) Entrepreneurial Spirit and the Role of Gratuitousness for Innovation, in Domènec Melé & Claus Dierksmeier (Eds.) Human Development in Business: Values and Humanistic Management in the Encyclical ´Caritas in Veritate`, Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, pp. 217-236.
- André Habisch & Cristian Loza Adaui (2011) Practical wisdom in management: A Catholic perspective, in Jean Ehret & Erwin Möde (Eds.) The Challenge of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition: Making a Difference in Contemporary Academic Settings, Lit Verlag, Zürich & Berlin, pp. 15-38.
- Cristian Loza Adaui & Diego Arias Padilla (2011) A Center for Catholic Social Thought within a Catholic University: A Latin American Experience, in Jean Ehret & Erwin Möde (Eds.) The Challenge of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition: Making a Difference in Contemporary Academic Settings, Lit Verlag, Zürich & Berlin, pp. 89-100.
- Cristian Loza Adaui (2010) CSR in Peru, in Wayne Visser & Nick Tolhurst (Eds.) The World Guide to CSR: A Country-by-Country Analysis of Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility, Greenleaf, Sheefield, pp. 296-304.
- Cristian Loza Adaui (2010) Empresa, empreendedores e consumidores a serviço do desenvolvimento humano integral segundo Caritas in veritate, in Antônio Carlos Alves dos Santos, Francisco Borba Ribeiro Neto, Marli Pirozelli Navalho Silva & Thais Novaes Cavalcanti (Eds.) Economia & Vida na Perspectiva da Encíclica “Caritas in Veritate“, Sao Paulo, Companhia IIimitada, pp. 48-53.
Articles in non reviewed journals
- Cristian Loza Adaui (2012) I limiti del neocontrattualismo e del neopragmatismo nel lavoro dirigenziale, Bollettino di Dottrina Sociale della Chiesa, VIII (4) pp. 150-153.
- Gianni Manzone & Cristian Loza Adaui (2012) La prudenza imprenditoriale come discernimento del bene possibile, La Società: Rivista Scientifica di Dottrina Sociale della Chiesa, (1) pp. 88-106.
- Cristian Loza Adaui & André Habisch (2009) Impresa, imprenditori e consumatori al servizio dello sviluppo umano integrale secondo la Caritas in Veritate, Bollettino di Dottrina Sociale della Chiesa, V (3) pp. 102-105.
- Cristian Loza Adaui (2009) Responsabilidad Social Empresarial ¿Modificando la competencia y el mercado en términos morales?, Illustro, 2 (2) pp. 24-39.
- Cristian Loza Adaui & André Habisch (2009) Empresa, empresario y consumidor al servicio del desarrollo humano integral según la Caritas in Veritate, Persona y Cultura, 7 (7) pp. 22-32.
Collaboration in technical reports
- Diverse collaborations in: Giampaolo Crepaldi & Stefano Fontana (eds.) (2010) Secondo Rapporto sulla Dottrina Sociale della Chiesa nel Mondo, Cantagalli, Siena.
- Diverse collaborations in: Giampaolo Crepaldi & Stefano Fontana (eds.) (2011) Terzo Rapporto sulla Dottrina Sociale della Chiesa nel Mondo, Cantagalli, Siena.
Articles in magazines
- Cristian Loza Adaui (2013) Profesionalización de la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en el Perú, Stakeholders: Responsabilidad Social, 5 (33) pp. 32-33.
- Cristian Loza Adaui (2011) Gratuidad y responsabilidad social empresarial, Stakeholders: Responsabilidad Social, 4 (29) pp. 54-55.
- Christoph Schwarz & Cristian Loza Adaui (2011) Educación Pública + Innovación Privada: El desafío de las alianzas publico-privadas en el sector educación, Stakeholders: Responsabilidad Social, 4 (27) pp. 28-29.
- Cristian Loza Adaui (2011) Reportes de sostenibilidad: beneficios y dificultades, Arequipa Empresarial, 2 (10) p. 22.
- Cristian Loza Adaui (2011) Alianzas Público-Privadas en el sector educación: Asegurando la competitividad empresarial en el largo plazo, Minesur, 1 (1) pp. 32-33.
- Cristian Loza Adaui (2010) Estrategias de responsabilidad social en la cadena de suministros, Stakheolders: Responsabilidad Social, 3 (25) pp. 20-21.
- Cristian Loza Adaui (2010) Responsabilidad social gubernamental significa incrementar el bienestar social de manera sostenible, Stakeholders: Responsabilidad Social, 3 (24) pp. 18-19.
Articles in newspapers
- Cristian Loza Adaui (2016) Hüter dieser erde? Die Tagespost: Katholische Zeitung für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur, 66 (22) p. 7. (04.06.2016)
- Cristian Loza Adaui (2014) Wirtschaft, Markt und Friede. Die Tagespost: Katholische Zeitung für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur, 94 (32) p. 7. (09.08.2014)
- Cristian Loza Adaui (2011) Früchte des Metaprofits. Die Tagespost: Katholische Zeitung für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur, 64 (150) p. 7. (17.12.2011)
- Cristian Loza Adaui (2010) Gratuidad y Responsabilidad Social. Encuentro: Quincenario de Análisis e Investigación, 4 (79) p. 6.
Book translations
- Co-translation with Juan Pablo Manrique Málaga & Jhony Velásquez Delgado from the original in italian of: Gianni Manzone (2007) La Responsabilidad de la Empresa: Business Ethics y Doctrina Social de la Iglesia en Diálogo, Fondo Editorial Universidad Católica San Pablo, Arequipa.